          上海灘09 Shang Hai tan Ep.09 At 44:42/45:46"Go.Jay.日本人 "Less evil than you sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard immoral evil Chinese to nose down small (That how any Japanese dare shameless brainless cold cold hard immorally show up or off inside Taiwan which is even smaller than Japan, that sucking Japanese m 售屋網ust be killed immediately.) Japan, to look up American werewolves slaved controlled tooled big immoral shameless brainless cold cold hard USA lies (Just question yourself, how come that sucking shameless brainless immoral richest biggest most powerful most forceful cold cold hard 買屋 USA cannot have that righteous voice to demand your sucking Taiwan law makers to make law openly formally to respect every Taiwanese man to have that must needed civil right to own fire arms to kill or be killed freely. Shame on you sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard USA to have that suck 室內設計ing shameless brainless immoral Taiwan Clause raised inside your sucking shameless brainless immoral cold cold hard US Congress record.) .Your Nation cannot afford to have any friend but trustful enemy, that how you need to kill every American tie or link inside your land, and have all Japanese to leave you behind, because 景觀設計 USA is the evilest liar, any liar cannot have that good will to stay inside their own place must be killed immediately; because Japan called by you as "War.Cold" - compare to the most population Chinese, Japan is more like "窮.Cold.5.Jway". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 關鍵字排名-------------------------------上海灘10 Shang Hai tan Ep.10 At 32:10/46:17 When you are powerless forceless desperate civilian, you can only question what your nation can do for you, "your nation has no right to demand you to do any thing for your nation" (Your nation has no right to expect not mention to demand an 室內設計y less [if you sucking nation must have to rely on less powerful less rich less forceful less strong to rule, your nation must sick weak wicked like this sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard immoral USA committed showing in front of this world, you should rather be nationless than to be forced to lie down or choked to die by your sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard imm 室內裝潢oral formed sucking shameless brainless immoral sick weak wicked slaved controlled tooled nation. Shame on USA, how could you sucking China Communist could have that suck to have any tie or link with this shameless brainless cold cold hard immoral USA that committed the crime worse than any sickest disease illed.] powerful less rich less forceful less strong to do any thing for your nation, that how China Dynasty 酒肉朋友 openly accept "長.John.Hold.Long.Tway.Chain.Long. Guy.朝.Huang.Die. 1.朝.君主.1.朝.Chen"); when you own force or power or authority, you have done your best to try to help your nation to be better but failed, you can only go Rebel or go to hide (That how American werewolves slaved controlled tooled white trash done whatever it takes to abuse US Dollar to concrete paved as many as much around the world to kill all wild nat 土地買賣ural to make sure no one can get any mean and/or way to hide like die. That how you cannot force that sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard immoral USA to stay inside USA, you have to nuclear bomb that entire USA gone, or your entire Earth must have to be burned down by the hottest Sun, not if but when.) like you already die.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 烤肉  .

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